Baby Nutrition: kas ekstra neitsioliiviõli sobib imikute ja laste dieediks?
Kas oliiviõli (eriti ekstra neitsioliiviõli) on laste toitumise jaoks hea?
Ekstra neitsioliiviõli (EVOO) is a nutritional powerhouse, benefiting people at all stages of life. However, it plays a particularly crucial role during early childhood. Here’s why EVOO is considered a vital addition to a child’s diet:
Täiuslik sobivus varase toitumise jaoks
Ekstra neitsioliiviõli meenutab nii koostiselt kui ka seeduvuselt väga rinnapiima. Ükski teine taimeõli ei imiteeri rinnapiima, mistõttu on EVOO ideaalne rasvaallikas kasvavatele beebidele.
Kõrge sisaldus E-vitamiin EVOO-s toetab:
- Luu kasv
- Aju areng
- Närvisüsteemi moodustumine
Paljud mainekad organisatsioonid, näiteks Hispaania Pediaatrite Assotsiatsioon, Hispaania kardioloogide selts, ja Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon (WHO), pooldab EVOO kasutamist teiste rasvade asemel, viidates selle kriitilisele rollile Vahemere dieet ja selle kasu tervisele lastele.
Kuidas EVOO toetab lapse tervist
Ekstra neitsioliiviõli mõjub maole õrnalt ja soodustab seedimist:
- Olles kõige kõhusõbralikum rasv
- Toitainete imendumise parandamine
- Mao happesuse vähendamine ja haavandite ennetamine
- Pankrease funktsiooni stimuleerimine tänu trioleiini olemasolule
Samuti parandab see soolestiku tööd, mis:
- Vähendab kõhukinnisust
- Abi imendumisprobleemide korral, näiteks need, mis on seotud rinnaga toitmise või teatud soolehäiretega
Rikas tervislike rasvade poolest nagu monoküllastumata rasvhapped (oleiinhape) ja väiksemates kogustes Omega-6 ja Omega-3EVOO aitab säilitada südame tervist:
- Reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol and boosting “good” HDL cholesterol
- Vererõhu alandamine ja hüübimisohu minimeerimine
- Selliste seisundite nagu arterioskleroos, südamehaigused ja aju tromboos ennetamine
Unlike seed-based oils (e.g., corn or sunflower), EVOO offers better cholesterol regulation, making it a preferred fat for children’s diets.
Luu kasv ja närvisüsteemi areng
EVOO on võtmeroll järgmistes valdkondades:
- Luu kasvu stimuleerimine
- Suurendab kaltsiumi imendumist ja luu mineraliseerumist, mis viib luustiku tugevama arenguni
Selle tasakaal Omega-3 ja Omega-6 fatty acids toetab närvisüsteemi. Imetavatele emadele rikastab EVOO tarbimine rinnapiima nende oluliste rasvadega, aidates kaasa lapse kognitiivsele ja närvisüsteemi arengule.
Lisaks aitab EVOO:
- Delay neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s
- Kaitske rakke vananemise eest, tänu E-vitamiin ja antioksüdandid like polüfenoolid
Muud EVOO tervisega seotud eelised
- Diabeedi juhtimine: EVOO slows glucose absorption, preventing blood sugar spikes in children with diabeet.
- Tervislik nahk: Vitamiinid E ja A EVOO-s hoida nahka tervena ja kaitsta seda keskkonnakahjustuste eest.
- Vähi ennetamine: EVOO-l on kaitsev toime mitme vähi, eriti rinnavähi vastu.
- Vitamiin Boost: EVOO pakub olulisi vitamiine, sealhulgas:
- A-vitamiin: tugevdab immuunsust
- D-vitamiin: Edendab luude tervist ja hoiab ära rahhiidi
- E-vitamiin: toimib antioksüdandina ja viljakuse tõstjana
- F-vitamiin: Stimuleerib kasvu ja säilitab rasvhapete tasakaalu
- K-vitamiin: Toetab vere hüübimist ja hoiab ära hemorraagia
Olive Oil Benefits for Babies
A Pediatrician’s Perspective: Olive Oil in the Nutrition of Babies and Children
Olive oil is a cornerstone of Mediterranean cuisine, playing a central role in the meals of families, including children. Its nutritional benefits make it a key dietary component during childhood and adolescence.
Olive oil can be safely introduced as soon as your baby is ready to begin eating solid foods, which is generally when they are 6 months old. It’s quite easy to use olive oil in almost any food given to toddlers and older children – it’s important to work on your baby’s timeline – and not anyone elses.
The Role of Fats in Childhood Nutrition
Fats are essential during the developmental years, providing a vital source of energy and supporting various physiological processes. In childhood and adolescence, fats should comprise around 30% of daily calorie intake, a proportion that gradually reduces to 20-25% in adulthood.
Ekstra neitsioliiviõli
Not all olive oils are created equal. For optimal nutrition, especially for children and babies, cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil is the best choice. EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) is produced purely through mechanical pressing of the olives, the fruit of the olive tree, without any additives or further processing and has an acidity of less than 0,8% – therefore retains the full nutritional profile of olives, making it superior to other oils.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Infant Diets
Extra virgin olive oil is particularly beneficial during weaning. Its gentle properties make it highly digestible for babies’ developing digestive systems, while its protective effects on the intestinal walls help reduce gastric acidity. It also eases constipation and supports healthy bowel movements.
Crucially, olive oil supports growth by promoting bone development and nervous system maturation. When added to baby food, it enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.
Omega-3s and Cognitive Development
Extra virgin olive oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are critical for brain function, neuro-psycho-motor development, and retinal health. In the early stages of childhood, before fish can be safely introduced, olive oil serves as an excellent source of these vital compounds.
How to Use Olive Oil for Children
For toddlers and young children, olive oil is best consumed raw, drizzled over meals. However, it can also be used in cooking due to its high smoke point of 220°C, making it suitable for frying — though fried foods should be consumed sparingly.
Portion Recommendations
Despite its numerous benefits, olive oil is calorie-dense, so portion control is essential. Pediatricians typically recommend limiting consumption to two tablespoons per day for children. This amount can gradually increase as they grow, reaching three tablespoons daily for adults (around 30 g of EVOO).
In summary, extra virgin olive oil is a powerhouse of nutrients that supports the growth and development of children. Its inclusion in their diet from an early age lays a foundation for lifelong health and wellness.
Extra virgin olive oil isn’t just a kitchen staple; it’s a cornerstone of child nutrition. By introducing EVOO early in life, parents can support their children’s growth, brain development, ja overall health. As part of a balanced diet, EVOO helps build a foundation for lifelong wellness.
EVOO Olive Oil is suitable for all kinds of cuisines, and it makes a wonderful ingredient in baby food, thanks to its excellent nutritional properties. Scientific studies from all over the world prove the amazing health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, thanks to its high content in oleic acid, beta-carotene ja provitamin A, as well as other antioksüdandid ja phytosterols.
Pediatricians and opinion leaders from the health field recommend its consumption since the baby starts having purées with salty foods (at around 6 months old), within a diversified diet that is also adapted to the child’s age.
International organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or the FAO (UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization) recommend the consumption of olive oil since a very early age.
Health benefits of extra virgin olive oil in the nutrition of babies and infants
Uses of olive oil in the daily routine: olive oil is known to make baby skin smooth, shiny, and healthy. It is a pretty good manicure lotion and a perfect moisturizer for baby’s skin. The oil has regenerative power over skin tissues and helps in keeping the skin toned.
Olive Oil for baby constipation
How to relieve constipation in babies quickly. Olive oil is a superstar among other oils due to its numerous health benefits. You can consider it a treasure chest full of good health and fitness. We often read and hear how much it is suitable for hair, skin, and many more. It will be a wonder to know that it is also very beneficial for the babies. Use it to keep your baby healthy, especially if your baby has constipation. Constipation is common in babies, and the parents are familiar with how much it is painful and frustrating for the babies. You can use olive oil to treat the constipation of your baby.
Kontrollige CRITIDA bio ekstra neitsioliiviõlid uuenduslik puhas EVOO imikute ja laste tervislikuks toitumiseks, kõrge fenoolisisaldusega ühesortne Kreeka ekstra neitsioliiviõli (EVOO) sordist Koroneiki
Meie 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗶 𝗘𝗩𝗢𝗢 Oliiviõli on pälvinud auhinna kui üks 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗕𝗔𝗟 𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗢𝗜𝗟𝗦
Tervislikuks toitumiseks – eriti imikute ja laste puhul – kasutage nende toitumiseks ainult kõige puhtamat orgaanilist, labori sertifikaadiga ekstra neitsioliiviõli – Our ELENI Organic EVOO for Babies and Infants Diet loodud spetsiaalselt kõigi laste tervist silmas pidades…
Our pure Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is specially produced at our own family olive groves at the Messara tasandik lõunas Kreeta, range järelevalve ja juhendamise all, et olla sobiv ja ideaalne orgaaniline ekstra neitsioliiviõli teie imikute dieedile – imikute ja laste tervislikuks toitumiseks.
Useful informative sources and articles related to Baby and Infant nutrition and EVOO olive oil:
Adding Olive Oil to Milk to Weight Gain in Critical Preterm Babies
Suurem oliiviõli tarbimine on seotud väiksema enneaegse surma riskiga
Benefits of Olive Oil to human health – an extended article and source of info on the subject of Olive Oil consumption and Health Benefits
10 Best Ways to Use Olive Oil for Babies – other than in their diet
Should babies eat olive oil often?
Key Benefits Of Using Olive Oil For Babies
Study Reveals Therapeutic Properties of EVOO Polyphenols on Childhood Cancer (National Library of Medicine)
Therapeutic Properties and Use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Clinical Nutrition
Potential of olive oil and its phenolic compounds as therapeutic intervention against colorectal cancer (Cambridge University Press)
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